Ter voorbereiding van de Wandelen voor Water route voor de Cascadeschool in Almere poort konden we gratis gebruik maken van een tweetal fietsen. De route werd op die manier snel en makkelijk uitgezet. Stichting Weebale wil de winkel van Jan Wisse Tweewielers daarvoor hartelijk danken! Wilt u een goede fiets kopen of laten onderhouden, bezoek
“The KEAC Club at the KISU SCHOOL has managed to raise another 430 000 UGX for the Weebale foundations project!” Lauren Gotte the member of KEAC Club has done a great job by organizing many events at her school for the foundation . Thank you so much Lauren- in the middle- and good luck in Toronto. The
In Kisoga in Oeganda overhandigde de Weebale Foundation voetbalshirts aan twee teams. De shirts werden gedoneerd door de SVBN ( StraatVoetbalBondNederland).
Er volgde een partijtje, gewonnen door het Oranje team.
Dank SVBN. Succes FC KISOGA!
In the village Kisoga in Uganda the Weebale Foundation distributed football shirts to two teams. The shirts were donated by the SVBN (StreetFootbalUnionNetherlands).
The Orange team won the match.
Thank you SVBN. Good luck FC Kisoga!
Thanks to a great support by the Stichting Vivant ( Foundation Vivant) (http://www.stichtingvivant.nl/) the Weebale Foundation realised within three weeks a Shallow Well in the village Kungu Madudu in Uganda. Five hundred people have now access to clean drinking water. The people organised a fantastic party to celebrate the launching of the well.
Thank you Vivant Foundation, Weebale!
* Nederlands *
Dankzij een prachtige donatie van de Stichting Vivant (http://www.stichtingvivant.nl/)
kon de Stichting Weebale in drie weken een ‘Shallow Well’ bouwen in het dorp Kungu Madudu in Oeganda. De well geeft aan ruim 500 mensen schoon drinkwater. De mensen van het dorp organiseerden een mooi feest ter gelegenheid van de ingebruikneming van de well.
Fairy tale about the beginnings of “Weebale”. One day, when we were in Uganda, we met a girl, a little, sweet and kind girl, her name is Katete. She asked us to go with her to her village Banda. We looked at each other, why did we have to walk with this girl to her
In April 2013, the Weebale Foundation opened the water system in the village of Banda Kyandazza in Uganda. Five taps along the main road ensure that more than 2200 villagers can easily fill their jerry cans with safe water. One of the taps has been made possible partially thanks to a donation of the Henkelman
Sunday June 21, ‘15 After the last story about Regan some people donated money on the Weebale Bank account. Reason to go with Regan to the market to buy 2 trousers and 2 T-shirts. And a belt, because regans is still very thin. No fat on his body. We also bought Irish- potatoes and fresh
Regan is a go-getter! Regan is an orphan of 18 and he lives here in Banda Kyandazza, Uganda with his grandmother. Both his parents died of Aids. He received HIV as “a present” at his birth. He gets antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. One day Regan and his half-sister Betty came to my house to ask if
The Weebale Foundation Policy plan and plan of action 2015-2016 For the period of 2015-2016 the policy plan of the Weebale Foundation has the following main points: Preparation of and execution of projects in Kateete Kikwayi Funding of current and future projects Further professionalization 1. Projects Kateete Kikwayi In cooperation with – and at the